
Our commitment to quality information and resources

At the PHA UK we are proud to be part of The Patient Information Forum (PIF) – a membership organisation and network for people working in health information and support.

We’re committed to ensuring the information and resources we produce are trustworthy and of the highest standard, and we’re delighted to say this has earned us a PIF quality mark – a prestigious tick which is only awarded to organisations who follow high quality standards when producing health information.


How does your organisation produce information?

SYSTEMS – The organisation produces health information in a consistent and systematic manner

How are staff trained and supported to produce high-quality information?

TRAINING – Staff involved in the information production process receive ongoing training and support

How do you identify genuine information need?

IDENTIFYING NEED – Resources are produced to meet a genuine need

What evidence are you using to produce high-quality health information?

EVIDENCE – Evidence used is relevant, up to date and from a reputable source

How are users involved in the development of health information?

INVOLVING USERS – Users have been involved in the development of information resources

How do you ensure information is clearly communicated to users?

CONTENT – Resources are written to meet the health literacy needs of the target audience and use appropriate language and tone

Is your information easy to access and use?    

LAYOUT AND DESIGN – Resources are easy to access and navigate

How can users give feedback on your information?

FEEDBACK – There is a clear mechanism for users to feedback

How do people find your information?

DISSEMINATING AND MARKETING – Information resources have been promoted to maximise their reach

Does your information make a difference?

EVALUATION AND IMPACT – The impact of the resource has been measured

Do you have any feedback about any of our information or resources? Part of our commitment to upholding our standards is to encourage and act on feedback from our members. Please complete this form, email or call 01709 761450

How to make sure you’re accessing trustworthy health information: