
PHA UK resources earn another prestigious quality mark

Posted on May 9th 2023

Following a rigorous assessment, our information resources have been re-certified with a Patient Information Forum (PIF) quality mark for the third year running.

The ‘PIF TICK’ is only awarded to organisations who follow high quality standards when producing health information.

To be awarded the prestigious quality mark, an organisation must show its health information production process meets the following criteria:

  1. Systems:  Information is created using a consistent and documented  process.
  2. Training: Staff receive ongoing training and support.
  3. Need: Resources meet a genuine need.
  4. Evidence: Information is based on reliable, up-to-date evidence which is communicated clearly.
  5. Involving users: Users are involved in the development of information.
  6. Health inequalities: Information is written to meet health and digital literacy, language and accessibility needs of the target audience.
  7. Content and design: Information is clearly communicated, easy to access and navigate.
  8. Feedback: There is a clear process for users to provide feedback.
  9. Disseminating: Information is promoted to maximise reach.
  10. Impact: The impact of information is measured.

The resources produced by the PHA UK include publications and leafletsvideos, and our member magazine.