Thank you to each of the 431 people who pledged their support for our campaign to give everyone with PH access to specialist rehabilitation. It’s clear the PH community wants this as much as we do!
Our next steps will involve writing to the Chief Executives of each NHS Trust that houses a specialist centre, to ask them to commit to addressing this unmet need – and we will then hold these commitments to account.
At the same time, we will lobby service commissioners and MPs, and we’ll be letting you know how you can get involved in this stage soon.
Our case is strengthened hugely by the support you have shown via your pledges. As always, many voices are stronger than one.
Watch this space!
**Pledges are now closed, thank you to everyone who has taken the time to add their support. **
Please complete the form below before the end of November 2021. Anyone can pledge – patients, partners, carers, loved ones, and health professionals too.
By pledging your support you agree to us contacting you via the details you provide to keep you updated with the campaign and further opportunities to support it. Please tick the box on the form if you would prefer us not to do this.