
Managing prescriptions

In England, whilst your pulmonary hypertension medications are provided to you free of charge, unfortunately most other medications you may take are not. This includes drugs you may take to manage the side effects from your PH medication.

(In Scotland, Wales and Northern Ireland, all prescriptions are provided free of charge).

Are you sure you have to pay for prescriptions? Some people in England are eligible for unlimited free prescriptions. You can check whether you have to pay by using this eligibility calculator.

A prepayment certificate could save you a lot of money!

At present, prescriptions in England are charged at £9.90 per item. If you need more than three items in three months, or more than 11 in 11 months, a prescription prepayment certificate (PPC) is by far the most cost-effective option.

The certificate covers all your NHS prescriptions for a set price of £32.05 for 3 months or £114.50 for 12 months.

You can pay for the annual option via 10 Direct Debit instalments, making it more manageable.

You can buy your prepayment certificate online here or at a registered pharmacy.

NEW FROM APRIL 2023! Prescription prepayment certificates specifically for HRT are now available: This certificate means you can get a year’s worth of menopause prescription items for the cost of just two prescriptions. You can purchase it in the same way as above.