
Travelling with oxygen

Some people with pulmonary hypertension may need oxygen therapy whilst flying.  This may be the case even if you do not normally have oxygen therapy. 

Discuss with your specialist centre whether you do require oxygen during flights.

You can also undergo a flight assessment to ascertain whether you will require oxygen whilst flying. This can be signposted by your specialist centre or your GP. 

If you need oxygen therapy and are planning to travel by plane, please be aware of the following:

  • You should tell your travel agent or airline before you book your tickets that you require oxygen. Please let them know whether this can be pulsed or continuous flow.
  • Most airlines are able to accommodate people who need oxygen. However, different airlines have different rules and in many cases there will be an extra charge for carrying or supplying oxygen.
  • Some airlines require the patient to provide their own oxygen, usually via a portable oxygen concentrator. Others will not allow personal oxygen concentrators inside the cabin or allow oxygen to be administered during take off and landing. Always check these things with the airline you are flying with.
  • Shop around to find the best prices for flights that supply or allow oxygen, as they will vary.

If you need oxygen cylinders or concentrators while you are away from home (in the UK or abroad) you will need to organise this well in advance of travelling. Your oxygen supplier will be able to provide more details on this and they will ensure it is installed prior to your arrival.